Raw Lapis Lazuli (large)

Raw Lapis Lazuli (large)

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Lapis Lazuli is a dope stone who's properties include, self awareness, self expression and it helps us be brave enough to live in our truth. Lapis Lazuli encourages compassion, confidence and honesty. Being completely honest with ourselves can be rough. Addressing certain behaviors and habits, isn’t all that fun, but suppressing it, is even worst. I remember meditating with my Lapis everyday because it’s rich blue hue, reminded me of water and listening to the sound of the ocean helped keep me calm. Cheesy, but bare in mind, this is almost a decade ago and I was still brand new on my spiritual journey. Oddly enough, I felt this stone’s benefits immediately. Lapis helped me no longer be afraid to speak my truth, have more compassion and be a bit more gentle with myself. As a result, I could have open and honest conversations with others, without fear of judgement. I had more compassion for people. I was a bit more open to give and receive love. Back then I thought I picked Lapis Lazuli at the boutique because of it cool color and I now realize, it was one of the stones, I needed most